
Monday, February 5, 2018

A CAS shaker card

Hi there and welcome. This time I am sharing with you a shaker card. 

I heat embossed the main image and the sentiment using black glitter powder. After coloring the image, I carefully cut out the inside of the jukebox to make the window. My initial thought was just to add a piece of vellum, but because of my bright color choice it looked quite weird. In the end, I chose bright raspberry colored glitter and made a shaker card.
I hope you like how my card turned out.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!



Stamps used: Perpetual Bliss – Paper Smooches

I am also entering this card into the following challenges:
MFT Color Challenge #86

Hallo und herzlich willkommen. Diesmal zeige ich euch eine CAS Shaker-Karte. Das Motiv und den Spruch habe ich mit schwarzem Glitzer-Embossingpowder embosst und koloriert. Danach wurde das Innere des Motivs vorsichtig herausgeschnitten. Eigentlich wollte ich Transparentpapier verwenden, aber die kunterbunten Farben zusammen mit Transparentpapier sah irgendwie eigenartig aus. Schließlich ist es eine Shaker-Karte geworden.
Ich hoffe, dass meine Karte euch gefällt.
Danke fürs Vorbeischauen und ich wünsche euch einen wunderschönen Tag!

Liebe Grüsse



Kathyk said...

Such a fun make for the LIM's 7th Birthday theme


Lin said...

Great design, Jinny - and love the colors, too! Thank you for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

Susan said...

Such a fun design. Thanks for sharing at LIM!

Neets B said...

I love that you made this lovely card into a shaker, so bright and cheerful. And great how the corners echo the shape of the juke box.
Thanks so much for sharing with us at Less is More, Anita x

Nonni said...

Brilliant idea to make this into a shaker, very unique and very fun too! I love the style of your stamps and the color choices give this a retro vibe. Cool! Thanks for joining us at Less Is More!

A Christmas Gift Box for Creative Knockouts

  Hi there and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic week so far. In today’s post, I’d like to share my DT creation for Creative Knockouts . ...